So the west east thing is measured by longitude measures west to east and is defined by prime meridian. The line of longitude (meridian) that passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in England, Measured by 180 west to east.
So Greenwich Longitude.
The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line on the surface of the Earth opposite the Prime Meridian where the date changes as one travels east or west across it. Roughly along 180°longitude, with diversions to pass around some territories and island groups, it mostly corresponds to the time zone boundary separating −12 and +12 hours Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) (Greenwich Mean Time – GMT). Crossing the IDL traveling east results in a day or 24 hours being subtracted, and crossing west results in a day being added. The exact number of hours depends on the time zones.;
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Latitude measures north to south. The equator.
Confusion on what longitude measures.
When you see longitude is mapped out by lines up and down from the poles you can get confused into thinking it measuring north to south but obviously it is measuring west to east. After all if it was just measuring north to south you would only need one line, which would be a bit of a pointless grid system, remember longitude and latitude are a sort of a grid system on the globe.
Long Greenwich long is up and down but that is because it is measuring west to east. you got confused.